What is Citizen's Plan B?

PLAN B is a group of engaged Burlington volunteers solely focused on ensuring that any redevelopment of the Waterfront Hotel enhances the Brant Street gateway to Lake Ontario and extends Spencer Smith Park.

To achieve this goal, we aim to:

a) inform and educate the public on the current status of the redevelopment application

b) provide a forum for making your collective voices heard at all levels of government

c) represent you in seeking a negotiated solution with all stakeholders, including the present owner, Vrancor

d) advocate at hearings, when appropriate, and

e) lobby the Ontario government to acknowledge our City’s OP 2020, which embodies our residents’ wishes for how they want to see their city grow and rein in the unelected, developer-friendly Ontario Land Tribunal.

The Urgent Challenge We Face

From the outset of the initial Waterfront Hotel Planning Study, PLAN B successfully advocated to have Burlington’s Planning Department amend policy PB-23-18 to “define & consider a building setback from the Thin Red Line”, which extends from a daylight triangle at the NE corner of Lakeshore & Brant (effectively at 45 degrees) across the Waterfront Hotel property to the Lake.

If no buildings were erected southwest of the Thin Red Line, our job would be almost done.

But the current development application is for two towers, 30- and 35-storeys high, hugging the east & west property lines, and connected by a 5-storey (60 ft or 18m) wall of concrete, steel and glass standing along Lakeshore Blvd, from Elizabeth Street to Brant Street.

Preventing this over-development will be a daunting challenge, but together we can make a generational difference in Burlington.

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